Wednesday 6 February 2013

Nouvelle Vague

Alphaville (1965)

Breathless (1960)

This week I have been looking at films from the late 50s-60s French movement in filmmaking, Nouvelle Vague, to try and evoke some new spirit of inspiration. I like this style of it being quite roughly edited, slightly arbitrary in its progression but allowing for this with heightened artistic and poetic merit.

Monday 4 February 2013

Discarded Ident Idea

I wanted to use this clip of scenery from a train window and have the ident appear in the flare of sunlight but I was unable to get the effect I wanted for the apparition of the text, and having too long to think about it, naturally I went off the entire concept - but there it is.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Christmas Break Evaluation and Planning For Future

Due to various complications over the three weeks of Christmas holiday afforded to us, including the lack of an SD card (my own fault), although this was probably not, in fact, a contributing factor, no filming was done; no footage was taken.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Filming Schedule

The loan I have for filming equipment gives me the time slot of 14th December - 7th of January.

Almost all of these days are eligible to film on, other than the obvious complication of festivities.
I'm currently unable to set a specific date to film in the train station because my only requirement is a particular type of weather so I'll only be able to plan a few days in advance. Preferably I would like it to be misty and frosty, for which the first few weeks of December have been a promising omen.

The empty room scene is being filmed at Alleyn's school, so I will have to wait for the start of term on January 8th to do it but this should be relatively easy; with myself, all the equipment and my actors present on a regular basis.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Empty Room Recce


With consideration of the criteria given by the British Board of Film Classification, I feel the 18 certification is most appropriate for my film.

Applicable Criteria:

  • Very strong violence
  • Frequent strong language
  • Strong horror
  • Strong blood and gore

I have made this decision based on my idea of the entire feature film that the opening 2 minutes will portray a sense of, rather than the two minutes themselves.


The patient is on a train, travelling to therapy, she gets off the train and lights a cigarette on the platform. A hurriedly passing man knocks into her by accident and with little reaction but a cold fury she methodically proceeds to grab, turn him and (a knife having appeared in her hand without explanation) stab him in the stomach. She holds the knife in one hand, sticking into him and holds him into the knife with the other hand on his back. He doesn't struggle from shock but judders and chokes and she continues to steady him, keeping him held to the knife. The man is fixated on her with terror, she stares coldly over his shoulder, looking bored and resigned. Eventually he goes limp and she lowers him to the floor without emotion; still not looking at him. The scene cuts back to reality - the man has just knocked into her, he regains his stance, apologises and moves on his way as she glares after him. She continues to smoke. She holds a lighter by her side and grates her thumb over it, slowly and purposefully. On the third grate the flint catches and she looks down. Blood is welling from the thumb. She looks down at it for a moment then back up and starts to smile then laugh; quietly but manically. The laughter begins to calm and then suddenly she snaps out of it, looks down. She flexes her hand; the blood is gone. She continues to stare straight forward; expressionless, inhales on the cigarette again, starts to smile once more as she exhales the smoke.

In therapy. Only the patient can be seen in shot, in the empty room, talking to her therapist who is behind the camera.

I am still toying with the possibility of having the dialogue in French (with subtitles):